The Unit Test Case Guideline Of Golang Gin

At this post, I have brief introduced how to test our gin APIs. And one test case tests one API, maybe this API including thousands functions, this kind of test we allways call Integration Test. The Integration Test always care whether the API works well or not, it does’t care the codes coverage and whether a certain function works as expect or not. So, we need to write Unit Test to ensure our program robust and keeps the issues number at a very low level....

August 24, 2023 · 10 min · wuqiangroy

How to test the APIs of your Go-Gin service?

As the pre-post said, Gin is a famouse web framework writen by Go. I love it and always use it. When I wrote a web server using Go-Gin, how do I test the APIs? This may confused me, only use a command-line tool to verify them? It’s seems ridiculous and non-product. We need to have a full-check for the APIs and it’s better to make it automatic, then we need to integrate it in the CI-CD pipline, make sure that it will run automaticly after we commit codes....

January 3, 2023 · 5 min · wuqiangroy

How to set a Go project as a Go module?

When we create an aswsome project written by Go, we always want to provide it for others. Some good projects like gorilla websocket, gorm and gin, we can easily to run go get to get the Go module and then use it in our projects. So, how can we build our own Go project as a Go module? Github In the platform of Github, you may want to build your projects for all the users so they can use your project directly....

January 1, 2023 · 3 min · wuqiangroy

Integrate websocket to gin

Introduction Gin is a famous web framework written in Go, we can easy to build our web server by following codes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 package main import "" func main() { r := gin.Default() r.GET("/hello-world", func(c *gin.Context) { c.JSON(200, gin.H{ "message": "hello, world", }) }) r.Run() // listen and serve on } Saving these 11 lines codes as a hello.go file, then run go run hello....

December 16, 2022 · 5 min · wuqiangroy


之前在字节面试的时候,面试官给我出了一道算法题:给定一个用字符串表示的算式,算式中只有+, -, *, /,请计算出最终结果。 比如 2+3*4-2/2。 很明显,如果没有 * 和 / ,那我们直接一个循环处理即可,但是有了 * 和 /,算式就有了优先级,我们需要先计算优先级高的,在计算优先级低的。 面试官提醒我可以使用栈来处理,我才恍然大悟,然后迅速用代码实现。 面试结束后,我就去细了解了一下这类问题的做法,这种字符串公式的表达叫做:中缀表达式,与之类似的还有前缀表达式和后缀表达式,前缀表达式和后缀表达式又被叫做波兰表达式和逆波兰表达式。 中缀表达式 其实很多读者在数据结构这一门课上,就已经学过中缀表达式了,但是对于我这个非科班的来说,第一次接触还是非常新鲜的,对于学过的朋友权当复习了。 使用栈这种数据结构,可以很好的处理仅有加减乘除四种运算符(不含括号)的公式。 栈是一种先入后出(FILO)的数据结构,可以将数据入栈和出栈,入栈数据会在栈顶,出栈是将栈顶的数据取出。 对 2+3*4-2/2 表达式来说,我们将数字压入栈,如果遇到 * 和 / 这两个优先级高的操作,我们将栈中的数据出栈,和操作符后面的数据进行 * 和 / 操作之后,将结果入栈,遇到 + 则不做操作,遇到 - 则对后一个数据进行取负,将数据压入栈即可。 就对 2+3*4-2/2 举例子: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 轮询到第一个数字 2 压入栈中,当前栈 [2] 操作符 +, 抛弃 数字 3 压入栈,当前栈:[2, 3] 操作符 *,将栈顶取出一个值 3,当前栈 [2] 将下一个数字 4 和刚刚取出的值 3 做 * 操作得到 12,压入栈,目前栈:[2, 12] 操作符 -, 对下一个数取负 数字 2,取负后压入栈,目前栈 [2, 12, -2] 操作符 /, 取出栈顶值 -2,目前栈 [2, 12] 将下一个数字 2 和刚刚取出的值 -2 做 / 操作得到 1,压入栈,目前栈 [2, 12, -1] 最后对栈里的数据进行相加,得到 2+12-1 = 13 13 即是最终值。 因为 golang 中没有现成的栈 api,我们需要用队列来手动实现一个。 实现代码如下:...

November 30, 2022 · 6 min · wuqiangroy