How to fix no network issue in lintmint

Today, when I opened my laptop, I found that I could not open google. It’s so weird! And I found no networking connection that time, here is how I fix this issue to keep my work going on. Env: OS: LinMint 21.1 Cinnamon VM: virtual machine V17 Network mode: NAT First of all, I checked whether the network enabled or not. sudo cat /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state And the result is: [main] NetworkingEnabled=false WirelessEnabled=true WWANEnabled=true The NetworkingEnabled is false, this is why my lintmint has no network....

December 5, 2023 · 1 min · wuqiangroy

Fix the installation block on Ubuntu

This is a very short post to record me how to fix the installation block on Ubuntu. Accurately say, it’s not Ubunut, it’s lintmint but based on Ubuntu, so the commands are also suit for Ubuntu. When I installed a .deb package and failed (The command: sudo dpkg -i ./<package_name>.deb). Followed the warning message, I use apt install --fix-broken but fixed failed. So I know I needed to delete this software....

September 13, 2023 · 1 min · wuqiangroy